Trainheroic media
From educational videos to inspiring stories, TrainHeroic’s YouTube channel is all about bringing the mantra of Be Your Best to life through video. Check out some of our most popular videos below and make sure to subscribe to our channel to stay up to date on the latest.
TrainHeroic X Pat Vellner
Being your best is about pushing yourself to the ragged edges of your potential. Pushing yourself to improve every day. It’s a lifestyle we believe in deeply.
We’re proud to announce our first official sponsored athlete, Pat Vellner.
Pat embodies the TrainHeroic spirit in his training and his life. He’s the true embodiment of Be Your Best, and we’re huge fans!
Pat has used TrainHeroic to connect with his coach, track his training, and monitor progress for years. We’re stoked to make it official.
The Agile 8 gets you mobile, loose, and ready. TrainHeroic’s favorite warm up!
Train Heroic’s Coach Stephane Rochet guides athlete Matt Couch through the movements of the Agile 8. Borrowing this from Joe DeFranco, this circuit is an excellent warm up for softening tissue, warming joints, and prepping for functional movement.
Mastering the muscle up with Dusty Highland
Coach Dusty Highland of Dogtown Crossfit walks us through the methods he uses to help Crossfit athletes master their muscle up.
In this video, Dusty gives us a guided warmup, 3 mobility exercises, technical work, and strength accessory work.
TrainHeroic presents: Path to the podium
This mini-documentary series follows 3 Olympic weightlifters from California Strength as they prep for a national competition.
With the American Open Series 3 just weeks away, some athletes have everything on the line. They come from different backgrounds, they’ve taken different roads to get here, but they share one goal – greatness.
The Hero’s Journey: Rising Phoenix
Sometimes, strength training is about something more than moving weight. More important than medals. It’s bigger than the barbell. In this new video series, we are telling the human stories behind the Heroes we serve.
Rising from the darkest points in their lives to new heights through a new-found love of strength training, these Heroes now work tirelessly to help others in their battle against substance abuse. Furthering the mission of the Phoenix – Sober Active Community in Denver, Colorado and around the US.

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About TrainHeroic
Made with love, sweat, protein isolate and hard work in Denver, CO
© 2021 TrainHeroic, Inc. All rights reserved.