TrainHeroic’s Top Online Crossfit & Functional Fitness Programs
TOPIC: Sports Performance
For CrossFit athletes who drank the Kool-Aid and have been neck-deep in the community ever since, functional fitness is the ultimate path to athletic greatness.
The challenge for most meal-prepping, crew-sock-wearing, FitAid-drinking Type-A garage gym warriors is what program to follow. You should be able to have fun, suffer strategically, test your limits, and grind away at your weaknesses while seeing progress in your body composition.
Check out TrainHeroic’s top-ranking functional fitness programs and get to work on your weaknesses.

Written By
lily frei
Lily is TrainHeroic’s Marketing Content Creator and a CF-L1 — she was a successful freelance marketer for the functional fitness industry until being scooped up by TrainHeroic. An uncommon combo of bookish, artsy word-nerd and lifelong athlete, Lily is passionately devoted to weightlifting, CrossFit, yoga, dance, and aerial acrobatics.

Live the Functional Fitness Lifestyle
Specializing is out. Well-roundedness is in. You want to be able to squat 500lbs and run a 5:00 mile (aka, The Castro Challenge). Or at least be able to hold your own in fitness tests that seem to contradict each other — clean and jerk your bodyweight, row a 5k, walk on your hands, jump up on a high box, string together tons of pull ups, do hill sprints without dying (impossible).
There’s no denying that CrossFit has done amazing things for the fitness world in general. We’ve never before seen such dynamic athletes who can handle whatever task is thrown at them. CrossFitters often dominate weird fitness events because they train in all realms of skill, strength, and conditioning.
Even entertaining the idea of making it to the CF Games takes grit, consistency, and maximum effort in nutrition, recovery, and each of the 10 CrossFit Commandments:
- Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance
- Stamina
- Strength
- Flexibility
- Power
- Speed
- Coordination
- Agility
- Balance
- Accuracy
The beauty of CrossFit is that there’s always something to strive for. You can always be better at one or more of those elements, no matter how experienced you are.
Work Harder and Smarter
Sometimes the programming at your regular gym doesn’t cut it. But your friends are there! Few things are more fun than throwing down with your homies on a Saturday morning, then going for brunch in your gym clothes and eating an obscene amount of pancakes.
You know that reaching peak human condition takes real work and quality training.
If you want to excel in gymnastics, weightlifting, and metabolic conditioning, only the best will do. The TrainHeroic Marketplace proudly offers just that — teams and programs by some of the top heroes in CrossFit.
Get daily programming delivered to your phone where you can log your times, track your PRs, and see specific, individualized feedback from massively successful coaches.
No more tunneling through the pain cave without a goal in mind. No more snoozing in your comfort zone or staring at a plateau for months on end.
Ready to maximize your work capacity across broad time and modal domains? Check out the big dogs in functional fitness and get ready to PR your Murph time, deadlift double bodyweight, or land that first muscleup. Don’t forget the celebratory donuts. 🍩
Our Best Programs for Functional Fitness
1. Train FTW Thrive
Matt Chan is one of the OGs and a literal hero. He’s a firefighter, winner of the Titan Games, and 6-time finisher at the Games, placing 2nd in 2012. He’s a masters level athlete now with the wisdom and practice of three+ decades behind his programming at TrainFTW @train_FTW. For an outdoorsman’s lifestyle approach to functional fitness that’s “balanced, fresh, and time-efficient”, look nowhere else.
2. Jump Ship Training
Based out of Hawaii, Seth Page @sethjumpedship, programs mega-successful CrossFit training with a team of killer coaches including Games athlete, Chyna Cho @chynacho. Their daily workouts are 90 minutes instead of the usual 60 you get in classes, so you have a more dedicated warmup plus some bonus work. With a guide for modifications and daily extras for competitors, it’s no wonder Jump Ship Training @jumpshiptraining has such popular teams in our Marketplace.
3. The Professor Project
Brent Fikowski @fikowski is known and loved across the CF space for his cool, calculating approach to training and competing. As a 9x Games veteran, our favorite jacked Canadian nerd has designed his programming around the idea that “as your goals, circumstances, and (time) commitment vary, you can change which program you’re following.”
The Professor Project @theprofessorproject gives you three training options: Fikowski Training (for the brave), Daily Essential Training, and Premium Home Training.

4. Move Fast Lift Heavy
MFLH @movefastliftheavy run by Games athlete, Christian Harris @iamchrisharris, is an awesome brand with stellar programming and even cooler swag. He offers options depending on the amount of time you can commit: Train, Peak and Base. We’re not saying these options can give you a body like Chris Harris, but we’re not saying they can’t, either.
5. Gym Jones Cult Classic
Gym Jones @gymjonessalvation started in 2003 as a gritty, invite-only program with a no-nonsense approach to strength and conditioning. Gym Jones focuses on mindset, GPP (general physical preparedness), heavy lifting, and HIIT workouts with an emphasis on strength. One skim of their content says it all: big muscles, stacks of plates, and faces contorted in the pain of hard physical effort. “Mental mastery and spiritual growth through vigorous exercise, or something like that.”
6. Black Iron Metcon
Run by Krissy Mae Harclerode @krissyclimbs, Black Iron Training @blackirontraining has a CrossFit-specific branch programmed by Games athlete and coach, Brooke Peragine (Haas) @brookedahook. These ladies know their stuff and along with the other Black Iron coaches, they run the gamut of fitness disciplines. With everything from corework to conditioning to building thicc cakes, Black Iron has something for everyone. But you probably need their metcon program.
7. Witness the Fitness Murph Training
Coach Mad Max Davis @maxdavis2 puts out our one and only Murph-specific program. He uses years of experience as a D-1 distance runner turned elite CrossFit athlete to create the most comprehensive, targeted approach to owning your next Murph time. You’ll use training runs, push-pull-squat workouts, and Murph-specific pacing strategies to lock in your capacity for a faster finish.
Time to set yourself up for a HUGE PR next Memorial Day!

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