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Building a Champion’s Gut: Why Athletes Need a High-Fiber Diet
Every inch of an athlete’s body is a finely tuned machine. From explosive power to unwavering endurance, peak performance relies on optimal fueling. Often overlooked, but essential for this internal engine, is a high-fiber diet. Here's why fiber is your secret...
5 Squat Alternatives That Don’t Use a Barbell
Squats are a staple in most training programs. But what if you don’t have access to a bar, are dealing with an injury, or just flat-out hate barbell back squats? Give these five barless squat alternatives a try instead.Written Byjayden pollard Jayden Pollard is a...
5 Powerful Plyometric Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
Is your body aging, or are you aging your body? If you’re not training for power, chances are your bones are losing density. These five simple plyometrics exercises (that can be done almost anywhere!) maximize your power, reinforce your bones, and reduce your risk...
Conventional vs. Sumo Deadlift: Which is Right for Me?
The deadlift is the ultimate test of raw strength in the realm of powerlifting and strength training. It's a lift that requires no assistance from momentum, elastic energy, or the stretch reflex that aids other compound movements like the squat and bench press....
Grip Strength Training for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
If you practice Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), you know how important grip strength is. Whether you are fighting for a collar choke, defending a takedown, or escaping a submission, having a strong grip can give you a major edge over your opponent.Written Byfred ormerod...
Top 10 Bar Muscle Up Progressions
One of the most advanced gymnastics skills is now regularly taught in CrossFit classes: the muscle up. You can do them on a pull up bar or gymnastics rings; you can do them strict or with a heaving full-body kip. That is, if you can do them at all... if you can't,...
Bench Press: To Arch or Not To Arch?
Everyone online seems to have a strong opinion about arching your back in the bench press. The reasons and schools of thought vary around the hows/whys, so what’s a novice athlete to do? Anthony Cuevas, an NCSF Certified PT based out of New York started lifting at...
Meal Prepping for Shift Work
Working a shift pattern can be difficult at the best of times. Unsociable hours, long working days and altered sleep patterns can wreak havoc with the physical training, social lives and health of those who labor under them. This article looks at a few ways to plan...
The Best Olympic Weightlifting Program For Beginners
Author: Mike Dewar
In this article, I wanted to share a basic “free template” on how to build an olympic weightlifting program geared toward the beginner and intermediate individual that walks into your weightlifting club looking to become more fluent in the lifts, gain strength, and set a strong foundation for years to come.
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Mobility 101: A Complete Guide
Mobility is hot topic, and vital for anyone spending time in the weightroom.
The ability to have full range of motion in your muscles and joints is one of the most important aspects of training. Improving your mobility can help you workout for longer, reduces joint pain, and can reduce the risk of injury.
In this guide you’ll learn more about mobility, who it impacts, why you should be focusing on it no matter what your age or training history, and how to tame common mobility hot spots from head to toe.
Olympic Weightlifting 101: A Complete Guide
In this article, Mike Dewar shares a basic template on how to build an Olympic weightlifting program geared toward the beginner and intermediate lifter.
Mike covers everything from the 8 goals of an Olympic Weightlifting program, how to build your own 4 week program including full sample sessions, the 5 key variables in Olympic Weightlifting, and 30 exercises perfect for beginners.
10 ways to build an unstoppable engine for competitive crossfit
To succeed in CrossFit, you need the ability to repeat near maximum efforts with as little rest as possible.
It’s not enough to simply have a high one rep max or a large unbroken set of muscle-ups. How many reps at 90% of your max power clean can you do in 8 minutes?
In this article, Todd Nief gives us a full breakdown of the 10 ways he helps Crossfit athletes build an unstoppable engine for competition.
How to Zercher Squat: One Exercise to rule them all
We all want that golden ticket. The one-size-fits-all exercise and perfect program. You know – the one that makes us look like the Hulk as long as we follow that program to the T.
Well folks, that all sounds great. But in reality, we know there is no one-size-fits-all exercise, program, food, or supplement… PERIOD. However, coach Ryan Leibreich has a secret weapon exercise that will get us close; it has a lot of bang for its buck. It builds massive quads, big glutes, a wide back, and some awesome biceps. Exactly what every athlete needs.
4 scientifically proven ways to develop explosive power
Building athletic power is one of the most desired, if not the most desired, quality in athletic performance today. It’s as important for the athlete training for the sport of life as it is for a D1 high performance athlete.
The question is…how do we optimally train it?
In this article coach Joel Smith, a long-time D1 S&C coach, gives us the lowdown on creating explosive power in the weightroom. From Olympic lifting to plyometrics, this is your one-stop guide on all things athletic power.
Nervous system training 101: The creation of superhuman strength and athleticism
Consider the following: pound for pound apes have double the strength of a human being.
They can also jump about 30-40% higher than top human jumpers.
How is this possible given their similar amount of muscle mass?
Our simian friends have an interesting piece of their brain and spinal cord that allows them stronger muscle contractions: less grey matter.
TrainHeroic Instagram: For Athletes, By Athletes
Looking for some Monday motivation? How about a new training session to shake things up a bit?
TrainHeroic’s Instagram is for for athletes, by athletes. We share news and notes on the latest in the strength game, valuable training insights and tips from thought leaders in the fitness game, exercise guides, sample training sessions and more.
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