Sustainable Steps to Healthier Living After Significant Weight Gain (BMI 40+) TOPIC: Losing weight when your BMI is 40 or higher can feel impossible—but it’s not. I’ve helped hundreds of people, including myself, lose significant weight. One client sticks with...
Working Out During Ramadan: Maintaining & Making Gains TOPIC: It’s falsely believed by many Muslim athletes that Ramadan = losing progress (gains!). This isn’t the case if you train, fuel, hydrate, and sleep appropriately. Of course that’s easier said than done,...
Building a Champion’s Gut: Why Athletes Need a High-Fiber Diet TOPIC: Every inch of an athlete’s body is a finely tuned machine. From explosive power to unwavering endurance, peak performance relies on optimal fueling. Often overlooked, but essential for this...
Meal Prepping for Shift Work TOPIC: Working a shift pattern can be difficult at the best of times. Unsociable hours, long working days and altered sleep patterns can wreak havoc with the physical training, social lives and health of those who labor under them. This...
Functional Athletes Need Carbohydrates TOPIC: The world of carbohydrates can be a difficult one to manage. They can leave you in a sweet spot of proper fuelling and recovery as an athlete, or crashing and burning when it matters most. This simple guide will hopefully...
Bulking and Cutting: Is It Worth These Health Risks? Whether you’re a newbie to the gym or a veteran athlete, you probably heard the term “bulk and cut” at least a few times. But tread carefully, gym lords and ladies. Despite its recognition, very little evidence...