Adapting to Remote Training
Coach Development | Strength & ConditioningRyan Leibreich
Ryan is the Director of strength and conditioning at Pro Performance RX In Morgantown, West Virginia. Ryan has been working in the private sector with hundreds of youth athletes for the last 5 years. He is always excited to talk training and dig deep into the Why. Never stop learning, growing and adapting. In the great words of Bruce Lee be like water. To connect further with Ryan reach out to [email protected]
// The time for remote training is now
“Change, adapt, evolve” has never been more appropriate of a statement and theme for our current situation.
In these times of rapid changes and uncertainty it is easy to let things get out of hand.
In these moments we need to pump the brakes, take a step back and evaluate what we can control.
Fortunately for us, one of those things we can control is our training.
As gyms and schools around the country begin to close it is becoming more apartment that coaches and their clients need alternatives.
This article will help guide you as we begin to adapt to more remote training.
Dust off your old dumbbells. Time to get to work.

Some of us have tinkered with remote training, but now is the time we have to go full force into it.
Direct example: our college athletes have had a lot of uncertainty thrust on them recently.
Some were removed from their dorms, not able to know when they can come back or if they can come back. Is the rest of the semester completely online? What can they do to prepare?
Can they still train?
Our answer is always yes!
We will take care of you and make sure you can still train and be prepared no matter what.
This is why we started using TrainHeroic.
It has been the best investment for us and for our athletes to never miss training, build better relationships and community between coaches and our athletes both in person and remote.
Over the next few paragraphs, we will discuss adapting your clients to remote training.
focus on what you know
A good remote program consists of:
Movement Patterns:
2.Hip Hinge
3.Push- (Vertical & Horizontal)
4.Pull- (Vertical & Horizontal)
6.Core/Everything else
The three planes of motion:
Sagittal – forward / backward motion, dividing the body into right and left sides.
Frontal – side to side motion, dividing the body into the front and back.
Transverse – twisting / rotation motions, dividing the body into top and bottom.
Tools/Equipment available
Bodyweight, Dumbbells, barbells, bands, boxes, cones, etc
Add Methods/variables
– Tempo/isometrics- one of the best things to add intensity to lighter weights
– Unilateral exercises
– Plyometrics
– Circuits
A simple system:
Step 1 – Identify your goal
Step 2 – Write out program based on goal, time, equipment, athletes, etc
Step 3 – Review sets, reps, movement patterns, planes of motion, methods
Step 4 – Revise and repeat
it is that simple
Only make things as hard as they have to be, not as hard as they can be.
Stick to the constants and constraints.
Circuits or lifts around one or two implements (I love kettlebells! Insider tip- Always use if they are available) Build the program around those variables, then add your own unique coaching creativity.
Don’t be afraid to have fun. Novelty is something that adds fun to a program. Reframe for the positive.
Some Movements are harder to implement than others.
Example -vertical pulls with no pullup bar available, but this is when it’s time to be creative.
A positive is, you can modify an exercise, film it and load it on the TrainHeroic app within minutes and boom your athlete has a solution to their program or exercise.
That is, if you do not already have an exercise in your library you can switch it out to.
One of the best things for us in the new app upgrade is a ton of amazing communication updates. We love them and for all the details follow this link.
remember communication is key
This is what separates good from great.
Communicating properly what you want from your athletes and them understanding what you’re asking is, in my opinion, the most important factor.
Not only with remote training, but training period.
build your community
Take advantage of the team feeds, encouraging their usage daily.
Let your athletes know what is available. Now we have the ability to load videos, so there is no excuse for them not to post form videos for check ins.
We utilize the new communication on the app everyday. It has never been easier.
The opportunities we have to reach and communicate with our athletes are now more important with them being remote but also easier than ever.

In addition, I love the feature of programming from my phone. “Game Changer!”
I’ll get a random message on the app, text, call or and within seconds.
I can have my athletes or teams workouts modified and switched for any purpose.
Plus, they have the added availability to add extra sets and exercises.
Workout too easy?
Coach, can I add some more?
Yes, because blah blah or no because our current goal is such and such, etc.
Here are a few short and simple sample workouts we have done with some of our remote athletes during break.

review the long game
Remember to always stay prepared.
Consistency is key. One percent better everyday, like investments adds up over time.
The mental framing of the situation allows us to stay focused and set up for long term success of our athletes and clients.
Here are the Takeaways
– Keep it simple
– Give athletes autonomy
– Problem solve
– Leverage your resources
– You know how to program, do not change your foundation just adapt your methods to the tools available
– Athletes will grow from this situation. Communicate daily
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